The Big 20/20 Event: Day 17: Make Your Own Candle Votive Holder

you will need

This post is brought to you by the lovely Sarah.

This is a really simple diy I did for my own home recently but in fact would make a wonderful simple handmade gift for family and friends too!

Here are all of the details.

You will need: votive holders, vintage/pretty papers, mod podge, foam brush, scissors.

sizing up your paper

1. Measure your papers against your votive holder. You might find you need to cut it into smaller sections in order to cover your votive holder more prettily.

mod podge

2. Once you're happy you know which pieces of paper you'd like to use, add a layer of mod podge to your votive holder.

hearts to dry

3. Press your paper(s) into place and give them a coat of mod podge on top.

hearts to dry

4. Leave to dry for at least an hour.

butterflies and flowers

For my second design I decided to use butterflies and flowers.

separate elements

I cut my papers down into inpidual elements first.

left to dry

And then mod podged them onto the glass. Leave to dry.


And voila - cute candle holders already ready to go!



curiously sarah

Sarah Leonard is a curious soul, who lives a magical creative life with her kitties and her husband. She runs an Etsy store full to the brim with artistic curiousities, and writes regularly on her blog A Cat-Like Curiosity. She is also the founder of The Curiously Gorgeous Sisterhood, a gorgeous community full of light, life and inspiration.

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